TA-80 are STILL working on their new album "Will Bury You"...We actually pretty much finished a month or two back but after listening to what we had it felt like it could use about two more "poppy" songs, so we started a new batch of demos. So now we have about 13 new demos which I'm currently writing lyrics for. Once I'm done with that we'll have a better idea what the strongest songs are, and hopefully record the 5 or 6 best ones and replace the 2 or 3 weakest songs on "Will Bury You".
Here's a list of the (mostly) finished songs that I'm pretty sure will make the final track list of "TA-80 Will Bury you":
1. Brandy & Boardgames
2. Public Housing
3. Seasons in the Slum
4. Phantom Turntable
5. I Don't Want to Think
6. Gleaming the Cubicle
7. Trading Diamonds For Dominoes
8. Bury You
9. Suicide Doesn't Go With My Shoes
10. (A special cover song I can't reveal yet since we havent got the rights to the song yet but hopefully I can name it soon...)
We also have a hardcore song called "Circuits" that I'm kinda on the fence on but a lot of people who hear it seem to think is super-great or something ... so we might end up using it...definitely in need of another vocal take though...
And we are going to definitely cut "Losing Time" and "Desperation Moon Landing."
Yesterday I finished writing words for a new song Klae wrote called "Oh, Lonesome Us". I laid down a rough vocal and once it was done I was like, "Hell Yes!" So that one will definitely go on the album once we record a final version. I also wrote 2 songs called "You're Sorry Now" and "Now I Hear the Knives" which we might use... too early to tell..."Now I Hear the Knives" needs a proper chorus. And we still have about 10 more sitting around without real titles or lyrics yet, but our goal is to have the final demos narrowed down and record the drum tracks by January 16th. And then hopefully record the remainder of the instruments and vocals by the end of january...
whoo...wish us luck!
- Jamin 80
I'll start by talking about the hardcore song that Jamin mentioned, "Circuits." At first when I listened back to it with Jamin, I completely agreed that it wasn't strong enough for the album. I really like the idea of including a couple of hardcore songs on each album because we're all really big fans of Midwestern hardcore music. However, I don't want to include a hardcore song just for the sake of having one on there. If the song's not good enough, it shouldn't go on the album even if it means having no hardcore song at all. So Jamin and I talked it over with Jens and Klae who both went along with Jamin and I and it was decided that "Circuits" would be cut from "Will Bury You."
Then Russ came up to visit. We played him all the new songs and he flipped when he heard "Circuits." He thought it was great. At that point, I hadn't listened to the song in several weeks and I too thought it sounded pretty great and not nearly as bad as I remembered it. Now I feel that if we revisit the song and redo all of the vocals, because right now it sounds like we're all guessing at the melody and hit parts out of sync...it's still in demo form. It has a great, catchy hook with some Misfits style whoa-ohs and it'll be damn fine if we give it the normal TA-80 vocal treatment. We'll see.
The song I'm really on the fence about right now is "Suicide Doesn't Go With My Shoes." I absolutely love this song and think it's pretty and weird and something different sounding from us. I'm just not convinced it belongs on the album. I think we already have quite a few slower, indie, noise type songs and "Suicide..." may just be one too many in my opinion. Again, we'll see. Nothing is ever decided until everything is mixed.
Everyone has been writing new songs like crazy though. I'm definitely not worried about having enough great material for the album. We have enough songs for a double album. This won't be a double album. If I have my way, we will never release a double album. I think I may have mentioned that here before. 30 minute albums are the way to go! Leave 'em wanting more!!!
- Amy 80
Amy 80: (to Jens 80) Did you wanna write one?
Jens 80: Nah, but we can watch a movie...