"Think Tomorrow" is the 8th TA-80 record. It is a single containing one track, "Think Tomorrow" which is a re-recording of a song from "80-83." The track was recorded in the Basement Studios by Randy Curtis. I wasn't around for this recording. It was an overnight session and I had to work at 6 a.m. Amy played the mini-moog on it.
I actually like this recording a lot. One of the few "TA-80 in a real studio" recordings that someone didn't ridiculously interfere with. And it turned out warm and intimate.
It was given out with fliers to promote an upcoming TA-80 show at a venue that, now that I think of it, was also called the Basement. There were only about 25 or so copies made. For as few as there are, this is one thing we have plenty of copies of. If anyone would like to hear it, hit us up on . We'll send you an mp3.
This never had a cover, it was given out in a white envelope.
Jens 80 had officially joined the band at this point but I don't think he played on the recording either. I think Amy played everything. I loved the sound of the Moog so much on this that about 75% of the keyboards on every TA-80 recording since has used a Moog emulator. "Think Tomorrow" was played live a couple of times during the Cullen years, but not since.
This track is now available on "Atari Du Cirque" which can be bought at .
- Jamin 80
This is an old song. Not even old in the way that this single was released in 2005. I wrote this song when I was 16 years old. I came home from school with it stuck in my head. I was living with Jamin, his brother, Jason, and his brother's girlfriend at the time. I was also working with Jamin at a pizza place called MaBell's. Work always started at 4 p.m. but I didn't have to work that day. I got out of school at 3 p.m. and once Jamin left for work, I locked myself up in our bedroom and wrote this song.
I had the music for it first. Usually, at that time, I wrote my lyrics as I was writing the music. This was the first song that I had all the music running through my head but no lyrics. The lyrics aren't really anything meaningful. I think that's why I can still listen to this song and enjoy it. I have absolutely no personal connection to the words at all. I'm not even embarrassed to make the lyrics available, right here and now.
People all around, you see them everywhere
But they don't see you
Everybody's here, you stop and start to scream
But no one hears you
And I don't wanna see you
And I don't wanna hear you
But I can't help but feel you
That's it. For about a minute while I was writing this song, I thought that maybe I should come up with more lyrics. I'm not a big fan of repeating lyrics or verses because I kind of consider it a cop out. I mean, come on...Finish the fucking song already, right? However, on this song, I wrote what I wrote and felt like I had said everything that needed to be said to capture the feel of the song. In other words, I had no other ideas and was satisfied with saying just what I wrote because it would maybe work as some sort of meaningful statement. Again, I stress that these lyrics mean nothing to me. But I can see how they might be meaningful for other people. Or something.
The re-recording of this song was done at the Basement Studio with Randy Curtis as engineer. Randy recorded a few things for us. I'd have to say, and, unfortunately, this isn't praise, that Randy was the best outside person that TA-80 ever worked with. At the time that we recorded "Think Tomorrow" he was pretty great. He was open for new ideas and he was a great one for sitting around for hours on end, trying out (possibly) thousands of different sounds and effects until we'd finally find something that was perfectly weird enough for us. On this recording it was easy. Moog.
We used a real Moog for this song. This is not a digital effect. Randy still had a decent set up for analog recordings to run into his digital set up and that's exactly how we got this recording of the Moog. I played the Moog on this song. Actually, in both recordings, I did everything on this song/recording. It makes it hard for me to consider it a TA-80 song but since TA-80 is really all I've ever done musically, the fact that I did this song completely on my own, it's still TA-80. All my best stuff belongs to this band and I say this is the band's so it is. The Moog is fucking badass.
- Amy 80
I like the Moog. It was the first thing we recorded with Randy. It was also pretty understated. 'Nuff said!
-Jens 80
Soul Power! Moog-a-riffic. I like the reverb on the vocals. Sharks teeth.
-Klae 80